International Relations News

Kutaisi University is now an Individual Associate Member of EUA

According to the EUA Council’s decision, Kutaisi University is now an Individual Associate Member of EUA.

Kutaisi University is the fifth private university in Georgia to become an Individual Associate Member of the European University Association, which is a significant step towards Georgia’s integration into the European education area, and the overall Europeanization process.

The European University Association is one of the largest organizations that unites numerous European universities and organizations in the field of education. Based in Brussels, the Association represents more than 800 universities from 48 European countries.

It must be noted that EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Accordingly, European University Association (EUA)  provides members with unique opportunities to shape European policies and ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard wherever decisions are being taken.

Other benefits of EUA membership include opportunities for members to share best practices and to be involved in projects, events and other mutual-learning international activities.

For more information about the European University Association (EUA), please consult the web-page: