
The Representatives of Kutaisi University at the South Caucasus-Sweden Contact Seminar

Swedish-Caucasian contact seminar was held in Tbilisi State University on 22nd October. The aim of the seminar was to deepen bilateral cooperation between Swedish and Georgian Universities in the framework of Tempus, Erasmus Mundus and Linneaus-Palme programmes.

Over 100 representatives from 21 Georgian, 15 Azerbaijani and 17 Swedish universities discussed future collaboration plans.

The seminar was attended by three representatives from Kutaisi University: the Rector – Lela Kelbakiani, the Specialist of International Relations and Development Office (IRDO)–Tea Kordzadze, and the Rector’s Assistant – Elguja Deisadze.
This seminar was very fruitful for our university as direct contacts have been established with approx. 15 foreign Universities: both in the formal and the informal atmosphere, preliminary prepared advertising information leaflets were exchanged; through sharing previous experience in international projects the contours of new partnerships were outlined.