Within the framework of European TEMPUS Programme “Cruise-T” project coordination meetings were held and the Summer School was conducted for the successful students of the project partner universities in Kherson (Ukraine) on September 6-13.
“Cruise-T” project aims to create competence centers for the development of cruise tourism in the Black Sea region (Georgia and Ukraine), and the main objective is to support and develop tourism industry as a whole through regularly conducting tourism field researches and offering professional consulting services in the region. 20 partner organizations from 7 countries (Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Georgia) are participated in the project.
Despite the very busy work schedule, the founder of Kutaisi University and at the same time the member of Council of Kutaisi City – Lela Kelbakiani managed to meet the representatives of Kherson City Hall, Kherson regional state administration and regional tour-operators. The purpose of this meeting was to introduce the tourism potential of Kutaisi and its surrounding areas, make links with leading Tour-operators in Kherson region and plan their info-tour in Kutaisi.
This offer was willingly accepted by Kherson regional state administration. At present some details of the plan are being specified for arranging the visit of the delegation of Kherson regional state administration to Kutaisi in the near future.
Ultimately, these efforts should lead to further increase of the flow of Ukrainian tourists to our city.