International Relations News

International Webinar – Entrepreneurial Activities and the Challenges of Educators in the Post-Pandemic Period

    On March 27, 2021, based on the MOU signed between Kutaisi University and STEKOM University of Indonesia, an international webinar entitled “Entrepreneurial Activities and the Challenges of Educators in the Post-Pandemic Period” was held. Together with Kutaisi University and STEKOM University, the webinar was attended by participant HEIs from Georgia and China, and the Indonesian educational associations. Particularly, European University (Georgia), Fuzhou Polytechnic University (China), Indonesian Teacherpreneur and Vocational Teacher Associations.

    At the webinar, presentations were given by the Rector of STEKOM University (Indonesia), Director of the Research Institute on Globalization of European University (Georgia), Chairman of Indonesian Teacher association, the Vice-Chairman of Indonesian Teacherpreneur Association, the Vice-Director of Fuzhou Polytechnic University (China) and the Dean of the faculty of Economics of Kutaisi University, Dr. Teona Grigolashvili. She discussed the challenges and effective mechanisms of running distance-learning process at HEIs during Covid 19.