
Scientific Conference of Academics and Students 2008

A scientific conference of Kutaisi University academics and students was held on May 22-23, 2008. The plenary meeting was opened by the Rector of the university Prof. Lela Kelbakiani.

For two days the conference participants worked in three sections (economics, humanities and IT and mathematics), interesting papers were presented resulting in informative question and answer sessions, discussions and debates. On the decision of the academic council three presentations were selected for the best presenter award: Associate Professors David Shavianidze, Maia Beradze and Assistant Professor Dezdemona Maghlakelidze.

Every student participant of the conference was awarded a certificate. The best presentations were awarded certificates of distinction of I, II and III category and monetary rewards.

Abstracts of the papers presented by the members of Kutaisi University academic staff have been published.