Tuition fees

Bachelor programs:

  • Economics - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL
  • Tourism - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL
  • Business administration - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL
  • Law - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL
  • Medical Doctor ( One-cycle educational program ) - annual tuition fee - 4500 GEL

Master's programs:

  • Finances - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL
  • Accounting and auditing - annual tuition fee - 2250 GEL

Doctoral program:

  • Economics - annual tuition fee - 2500 GEL

International Programs:

  • Medical Doctor ( One-cycle educational program ) - Annual Tuition Fee - 4000 US Dollars (for foreigners)

Use the following bank details for payment:



Enter the following information during payment:

  • Name, surname and personal number of the student
  • LLC "Kutaisi University"