Completed projects
Year: 2021
Project name: Research on the economic development of the regions of Georgia under the conditions of COVID-19
Duration: 1.01.2021 – 1.07.2021
Brief description: Research project - "Research on the economic development of the regions of Georgia under the conditions of COVID-19" in the first half of 2021 at the University It was implemented in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law.
The issues discussed within the framework of the project are very relevant, which is caused by the challenges in the economy of Georgia due to the spread of the Covid pandemic, both at the macro and regional levels. It is clear that the pandemic was not limited to an increase in morbidity and mortality, but also had a negative impact on the development of the economy as a whole. Due to the introduction of mass lockdowns and quarantine measures, many sectors of the economy have suffered huge losses. The companies of the tourism, transport, catering, entertainment and leisure industry, oil sector were particularly affected. Against the backdrop of a sharp decline in economic development, the world economy plunged into a deep recession. The level of economic stagnation directly correlates with the amount of restrictions introduced. Naturally, the current situation in the world was reflected accordingly on the economy of Georgia. At the same time, the COVID-19 crisis provides an opportunity to rethink many problems, which in a way creates a prerequisite for a big overload. From this point of view, the study discusses the trends of GDP formation in Georgia under the conditions of COVID-19, foreign direct investments, current issues of fiscal decentralization.
The project also brings the results of the study of regional economic development disparity through the method of principal components and the study of the strategy of functioning of the economic system under the conditions of the Covid pandemic through Markov chains. Considering the problem of COVID-19, 2020 data and comparisons with them are used. The authors mainly used the materials of the State Statistics Service. However, for obvious reasons, the analysis in some directions was based only on preliminary data.
Within the scope of the project, the goals and objectives of the research are:
- Research on regional development in Georgia under the conditions of COVID-19;
- A study of regional inequality in Georgia and the problems caused by it under the conditions of COVID-19;
- presentation/analysis of the coronavirus pandemic as a stress test of financial centralization and economic inequality;
- The impact of COVID-19 on the economic development of Georgian cities (the example of Kutaisi);
- Determining the expediency of implementing research results in practice at the current stage, taking into account relevant foreign experience;
- Identifying the needs of the Imereti region, taking into account the results of the research;
- Identifying ways to spread the concrete results to other regions of the country;
- development and delivery of practical recommendations;
- Publishing the main results of the project research in the form of a scientific article in a journal located in a highly rated, recognized scientific base;
- Orientation of the research papers of the future doctoral students of the authors of the project on the problems identified within the framework of the project;
The research was based on complex, interdisciplinary approaches. The main methods we will use in the research are: observation, survey, in-depth interviewing, synthesis, analysis (dynamic, comparative, etc.), grouping, various forecasting methods, indexing, scaling, etc. The results of the study show the need to strengthen the role of territorial units and effectively share foreign experience to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic. The results of the project will be useful for researchers, students, businessmen and investors (including foreigners), representatives of regional authorities and local self-governments, etc. interested in the mentioned issues. The main results of the project's research will be published in a journal located in a highly rated, recognized scientific base, as well as on the university's website, making it accessible to interested persons.
Project materials (published under Open Science Policy)
attached files
Monograph "Economic development of Georgia under the conditions of COVID-19 (macroeconomic and regional aspects)" (on Georgian with broad English summary)
Research on Economic System Operation Strategy Using Markov Chains - Program Code Listing
Research on Regional Inequality Through Principal Components Analysis - Program Code Listing (Part 2)
Research on Regional Inequality Through Principal Components Analysis - Program Code Listing (Part 1)
Presentation Research on economic development of Georgian regions under the conditions of COVID-19 (on Georgian)
Presentation Covid-19 and the context of economic development of cities (on Georgian)
Year: 2016
Project name: Preparation of recommended investment proposals and specific offers within the strategic plan of the city's economic development
Duration: 1.01.2016 – 1.10.2016
Brief description: The areas of privatization buildings and plots of land in the geographical area of Kutaisi provide good opportunities for attracting investments that are in line with will be for improving the image of the city and realizing strategic goals.
One of the accepted practices for the economic development of a specific area is the development of the main strategy of the city's development by the city self-government, the determination of infrastructural priorities, the development of raw "business ideas" according to them, the feasibility study and the attraction of the private sector interested in their implementation. Within the framework of the project, the following works were performed:
- Research of existing privatization facilities to ensure their further functional load;
- preparation of ready-made investment proposals and specific business proposals for potential investors;
- Research and analysis of other existing assets in the city (vacant plots of land, less efficiently used facilities) in consultation with relevant field specialists;
- Development of new offers for better utilization of existing assets;
- Structuring the research results and business proposals according to the strategic directions of the city's development.
Year: 2014-2015
Project name: From attractiveness to integrated packages of tourist offers: Tourism marketing plan for the self-governing city of Kutaisi and its surroundings
Duration: 1.12.2014 – 1.10.2015
Brief description: The purpose of the project is to carry out research related to regional tourism and develop a specific marketing plan. The results of which will later play an important role in the correct revival of the new tourism strategy.
The expected results of the studies envisaged by the project are as follows:
a. Marketing and promotion plan – strategic positioning of the city and its surroundings as a tourist destination; Identify tourism models and priority markets or segments.
b. Product Development and Diversification – Identify potential products to facilitate diversification.
Potential users of research results are:
- Regional Management Organizations – DMOs;
- National Tourism Administration of Georgia;
- regional and local government;
- private sector;
- local community (communities).
At the final stage of the research, the results were presented with the participation of the heads of the Kutaisi municipality. The result of the study - the final document was submitted to the City Hall of Kutaisi for inclusion in the city development strategy.
Year: 2013-2014
Project name: Financial and economic problems of regional governance and self-government and topical issues of fiscal decentralization
Duration: 15.12.2013 -15.10.2014
Brief description: The current situation in terms of fiscal decentralization in our country actually suffers from a lack of proper scientific analysis. It is true that the state has recognized the need for decentralization, but in terms of fiscal decentralization, many things still need to be corrected and refined. This is impossible without proper scientific analysis.
Within the framework of the project, theoretical research was carried out and material was prepared
- Justification of the importance of increasing the independence of local bodies and decentralization;
- Study of the needs of local bodies (financial basis);
- study of fiscal decentralization experience in different countries;
- Fiscal decentralization tools and studying the possibilities of their use;
- problems of fiscal decentralization in Georgia;
- systematization of research results;
- Concept presentation.
Within the framework of the project, a proper report was prepared, which has theoretical and practical value.
Year: 2013-2014
Project name: market research of the service sector (hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers) Duration in Kutaisi
: 15. 12. 2013 – 15.10.2014
Brief description: The results of the research project have a practical application load, as firstly, it is a complete research on the business of the service sector (hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers) and also a complete economic analysis was made. The study will be highly beneficial to researchers, tourism agencies and government structures working in this field. Thus, the potential users of the research results can be considered: both our and other university students, local or foreign investors who would like to start a business in this field.
Year: 2013-2014
Project name: Creation of a training-practical tourist agency
Duration: 1.12.2013-1.08.2014
Brief description: Recently, a lot of attention has been paid in Georgia to the training of modern qualified personnel, of course, higher education institutions are involved in this. There is competition between institutions as to which graduate is more likely to find a job and what skills the institution will employ. Competences are developed along with the learning process as well as on production practice. The relevance of the project is determined by the creation of an educational-practical tourist agency on the basis of the university. In the agency, students will directly develop the competencies that are needed in modern conditions and thus become competitive in the labor market, and will also be able to independently start and manage their own business.
The following works were carried out within the scope of the research:
- creation of a training-practical tourist agency;
- purchase of necessary inventory and equipment for the travel agency;
- description and compilation of tourist routes;
- preparation of illustrative material;
- preparation of tourist agency brochures;
- arrangement of tourist routes within the scope of training and practice;
- Presentation of achieved results.
Year: 2012-2013
Name of the project: St. Development of the branding concept of Kutaisi Duration: 1.12.2012 - 1.08.2013 Brief description: Creating brands of regions and cities is very relevant all over the world today. This phenomenon is largely due to the fact that the quality of the brand of a city or territory significantly depends on the inflow of investments to the said city or territory, whether entrepreneurs operating outside the region will want to make and increase capital investments. A positive image of the city is the basis of modern branding. Image is subject to change and such change can be used to create a new brand. Every aspect of city life - starting with the cleanliness of the streets and the functioning of enterprises and institutions - affects the formation of the brand. The city, which is attractive to investors, tourists and local residents as repeaters of the city brand, actively uses all the resources at its disposal - this is a successful product in the territory market. The following research objectives were set:
- Finding and processing information on the world's experience of city branding;
- study of the uniqueness and peculiarities of Kutaisi;
- development of the branding concept of Kutaisi;
- systematization and publication of research results;
- Publication of processed material in printed form (in the form of a book) and presentation of the concept.
Within the framework of the project, the prerequisites were prepared in order to include branding elements in the city's strategy. The book "Actual Issues of City Branding - Kutaisi Takhnagibi" was published, which has no analogues in Georgia.
Year: 2011-2012
Name of the project: Preparation of a training course for the new study discipline "Introduction to Economics and Business" Duration: 1.09.2011 - 1.03.2012 Brief description: According to the grant, the new study discipline "Introduction to Economics and Business" is defined with a new form, methods and strategy Education that has no analogues in Georgia. Based on the requirements to modify the study programs of Kutaisi University, it was considered appropriate to create a special study discipline for business administration/economy bachelors in order to effectively teach them the basics of business, which should become a basis for them to develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills. By studying it, solid foundations should be created for further study of other business disciplines and for self-development. The following works were carried out within the framework of the research:
- Finding and processing relevant sources for a new study discipline;
- description and characterization of the reality of the Georgian business sector;
- preparation of illustrative material;
- preparation of the manual for printing;
- publication of the manual;
- Presentation of the manual.
Year: 2010-2011
Project name: Development of regional economic development strategy (on the example of Imereti) Duration: 1.09.2010-1.03.2011 Brief description: The mentioned program has no analogues for the Imereti region. The implementation of the program is focused on promoting the influx of foreign investments in the Imereti area, the development of industrial, trade, tourism and agricultural sectors, ensuring the dynamic growth of the regional economy, creating new jobs, increasing the real incomes of the population, gradually overcoming poverty and improving the social background. The results of the research are intended for significant practical and applied load, as far as its potential users can be considered: general-state and regional management, local self-government bodies, internal and external investors, representatives of the business sector, non-governmental organizations, scientific and research institutions, scientific and practicing economists, regional Visitors and tourists, other interested persons. The regional development strategy, which was approved by the Georgian government in 2012, was based on this document.
Year: 2010-2011
Project name: Marketing research of the educational market of the region (on the example of Imereti) Duration: 1.09.2010-1.07.2011 Brief description: at the modern stage of development, when the education system around the world undergoes radical systemic changes, higher education institutions are considered as companies with a specific product - with knowledge. Therefore, often, during the formation of university strategies, when outlining action priorities, experts and analysts use almost the same techniques and methods that are used during the evaluation of businesses. This is particularly relevant in the case of private higher education institutions, such as Kutaisi University. In the process of achieving the main goal of the project, the following specific tasks were decided:
- Defining the "geography" of Kutaisi University;
- study of the environment in which Kutaisi University operates;
- implementation of SWOT analysis of the university;
- Implementation of competitive analysis for Kutaisi University;
- implementation of SMART analysis according to the priorities identified as a result of the analysis;
- defining the short and long-term perspectives of the university and forming the corresponding budget;
- Updating and completing the strategic development plan.
Year: 2010-2011
Project name: Establishment of new special offices in Kutaisi University Duration: 1.09.2010-1.07.2011 Brief description: The goal of the project was to establish new special offices in Kutaisi University. These are: Career Management Center and Marketing Office. As a result of the implementation of the project, new special offices were established in Kutaisi University. The Career Management Center will focus on the following outcomes:
- to help university students and graduates in proper career planning and to adapt their knowledge to the real demands of the labor market;
- It will provide them with the necessary information and help them acquire new professional skills.
- will help enterprises and companies in the field of human resources management
A survey of the Georgian educational market will be conducted within the framework of the Marketing Office. The analysis of the demand for educational services and the labor market will allow us to assess the prospects of various higher education institutions and specialties and, accordingly, to establish educational directions.