Kateryna Sliepykh, Maryna Kryvoberets
Today, the entire global community is facing an extremely important and significant issue related to ensuring global and comprehensive actions that will contribute to the establishment of global prosperity, justice, peace and equality. The basic concept of achieving global goods has found its place in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN, which aim to identify and create the means for global progress in key areas of functioning. However, global governance of sustainable development is characterised by a highly fragmented system of separate clusters of international organisations, as well as states and other actors. Thus, strengthening inter-organisational coordination and cooperation is often identified as an important challenge for reforming global sustainable development governance. An important step in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is for governments, together with international organisations, to identify relevant needs, resources and requests for further support and funding. This process should be characterised by a well-coordinated systematic approach and coherence, which will subsequently yield positive results and have a positive impact on complex issues. Thus, through full cooperation, it is possible to identify important aspects of sustainable development that need to be addressed, improved and achieved.
Anistratenko N., Malchenko A. (2021). The role of international organisations in ensuring sustainable development. Efficient economy, №6, 2-5/ DOI: 10.32702/2307-2105-2021.6.71 (Accessed 22 August 2024) [in Ukrainian]
Novytskyi V. (2011). Evolution of international legal initiatives in the field of sustainable development. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University, 15, 60-63. (Accessed 22 August 2024) [in Ukrainian]
UNDP SDG Integration (2020), Integrated solutions for sustainable development, available at: https://sdgintegration.undp.org/ (Accessed 22 August 2024)
UNDP (2024), UNDP Trasparency portal, available at: https://open.undp.org/ (Accessed 22 August 2024)