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მისამართიქუთაისი, წერეთლის ქ. #13

Serving the Community During the Time of War: the Experience of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University

Iuliia Melnikova, Hanna Aleksandrova, Maryna Bohdanova


The article describes the experience of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, which was temporarily displaced due to the occupation of Berdyansk by Russian troops at the beginning of  russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. BSPU is a city-forming educational institution that unites talented and promising young people. The publication describes how the university administration, academic staff, and students overcame the challenges of war and temporary displacement. The authors emphasize the importance of communication with the community and local government, as these are people united by a common goal, problems, and needs based on the historical and cultural characteristics of the region in general and in connection with the war in particular. An important factor in the new format of work is the discussion of painful and problematic issues of occupation, education, and culture of Berdiansk and the definition of goals and objectives that the community will face after its de-occupation, which is part of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. In general, the university's activities are aimed at implementing 13 goals: poverty eradication, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and adequate social conditions, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, sustainable development of cities and communities, climate change mitigation, marine conservation, protection of terrestrial ecosystems, peace and justice, and partnership for sustainable development. The course examines changes in the educational landscape due to temporary displacement, adaptation of traditional educational practices to new learning and teaching conditions, and modernization of the educational process related to the creation of an inclusive educational environment. The emphasis is on fostering values that address the current needs and interests of students, creating a favorable environment for the development of academic, social and emotional competencies. Student leisure, which is based on the principle of student-centeredness, is diversified even in the context of the university's relocation and the dispersion of teachers and students across Ukraine and the world. Thematic groups and clubs, summer and winter online and offline camps, a volunteer school, educational and psychological laboratories, theater, dance and history groups, the student almanac “Sails,” public lectures by leading university scholars – all these activities are aimed at unlocking creative potential, creating opportunities for cooperation, interaction and partnership between students, teachers, practitioners and scholars.


საკვანძო სიტყვები: university, education, sustainable development goals, community, students, values.
JEL: H84; I25
DOI: 10.52244/c.2024.11.11

გამოყენებული ლიტერატურა:

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