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მისამართიქუთაისი, წერეთლის ქ. #13

Institutional Factors and Sustainable Development Perspectives: Comparative Analysis of EU Candidate Countries

Gocha TutberidzeGocha Ugulava


As is well known, institutional factors play a significant role in achieving sustainable development goals. The aim of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the current outcomes of policies implemented to achieve sustainable development goals in EU candidate countries, highlighting existing trends and challenges. The comparative analysis focuses on three dimensions of sustainable development: social development, economic development, and environmental sustainability. Using a comparative analysis approach, the study examines the status of EU member and candidate countries across all three dimensions, identifies current difficulties, and outlines forecasts for future development trajectories. Overall, the research analyzes over 15 variables (approximately 600 indicators) for nine candidate countries and 27 EU member states. The study is particularly relevant as the comparison is based on the most recent full data available for 2022, reflecting the starting point for new candidate countries. This will allow us to analyze future developments dynamically, assess the progress in overcoming identified challenges, and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented policies. The research is illustrated with factual numerical data and graphical material.

საკვანძო სიტყვები: Institutional Development, Sustainable Development, EU Candidate Countries
JEL: O10, O43, C43
DOI: 10.52244/c.2024.11.1
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