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მისამართიქუთაისი, წერეთლის ქ. #13

People Break into Tech Professions and Master Distinctly New Technical Skills

Ani Kalandia

Doctor of Economics, Assistant-Professor,  Kutaisi University

[email protected]


In the article there has been formulated the concept of a career change and there are contained results of studies regarding determinants of the tendency to introduce changes in the course of one’s career, with a special consideration given to moving from non-tech to tech fields. Next, there have been presented results of the author’s own research. The research results indicate differences among the computed groups regarding their decisions about career transition, analyzing professional migration of talent to the local market (Case of Georgia). Results from a research can draw several conclusions, that there is a huge interest in technology/ Growth of digital economy/ Technology is driven by novelty, and then - by pay and finally recommendations are presented for employers in terms of retaining existing talent.

საკვანძო სიტყვები: Career change, tech professions, technical skills.
JEL: O15; I21
DOI: 10.52244/c.2023.11.7

გამოყენებული ლიტერატურა:

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